
Monday, July 25, 2016

Remember Why People Contribute Big Money to Campaigns

Another amazing email from the DNC hack:
Begin forwarded message:  > From: Cookie Parker > Date: May 14, 2016 at 11:59:58 AM PDT > To: "Lindsay W. Rachelefsky" > Subject: State Dinner Countdown > > Lindsay, > > What is it going to take for me to get invited to a State Dinner? > > > I have done more for the Administration than a lot of these people who have name recognition. I have been patient and not kicked up a stink because it is not my style. But as the Obama Administration winds down, I am feeling very down about this. I never received any kind of commission appointment. Other than the holiday parties that everyone gets invited to and the African leaders dinner, I have never been invited to any of the small gatherings or concerts, much less a real state dinner. I raised a lot of money for the DNC for both cycles, got someone to give a $1m to Priorities USA, and here I sit venting and feeling very much under appreciated. Plus not even feeling better for venting. But thanks for listening. > > Cookie

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