
Saturday, July 2, 2016

Another Reminder That Weapons Designers Are Smarter And Faster Than Gun Control Idiots

You may be aware that the response of gun makers to California's ban on detachable magazine "assault weapons" was the bullet button, which required inserting tip of a bullet to release the magazine.  The new gun control law just signed by Gov. Moonbeam outlawed the bullet button.  Someone has a workaround already.

I am surprised someone hasn't come up with a belt fed black powder musket yet!


  1. That's very clever! It's great for sport shooting (in California), but in High Power competition, there's a mag change in rapid fire stages so that device won't help you. I guess High Power competition is a no-no in California.

  2. One of the weapons demonstrated to the Continental Congress, that was actually ordered, was what could be called a chainfire musket. This gun had about 8-12 loads stacked in the barrel, set up with a slight delay between ignition of them. One of the drawbacks was that once ignition was initiated, there was no practical way to halt the process, and they all will fire.

    No actual production records have been found, just the original contract that was issued. So, this was just one of the examples that shows the Founders were well aware of the possibility, and utility, of a weapon that could function like a machinegun.

  3. Unbelieveable!! So no worries mate. :-) I'm pretty confident that there will be huge non-compliance with the new efforts out of the Sacramento Politburo, especially in rural counties with pro-2A Sheriffs.

  4. Will, don't forget about the Girandoni air rifle (

  5. It's a sad Dependence Day here in CA. We no longer respect or honor the 2nd Amendment, and only pay lip service to the rest of the Constitution.

    Time for me to leave this once-great state. The Golden State has turned to mud, and there will never be another Reagan elected here.

  6. Jim,
    I wasn't clear on when they would have seen a copy of that air gun, which is why I didn't mention it. There were also multi-barrel guns of various types that were known of by the Founders, some of which are in the London Tower collection.
    Multi shot/repeating firearms were being researched for hundreds of years prior to the Founders struggle.

  7. Eskyman: Part of why I left California in 2001. Move to America!

  8. I can easily imagine a (manually operated) belt-fed musket, but the problem with all breech-loading firearms of the time was sealing the breech. That problem wasn't completely solved until the advent of the metallic cartridge.
