
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

If Only There Was An Opposition Political Party to the Democrats in Congress...

They would be calling for an independent prosecutor.  6/14/16 ZeroHedge:
Jordan's official news agency, Petra News Agency, reported on Sunday citing the Saudi crown price, namely that Saudi Arabia is a major funder of Hillary Clinton’s campaign to become the next president of the United States.

As MEE notes, the Petra News Agency published on Sunday what it described as exclusive comments from Saudi Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman which included a claim that Riyadh has provided 20 percent of the total funding to the prospective Democratic candidate's campaign.
Of course, taking contributions from non-citizens is a crime, but the A-G isn't going to pursue that (yet another argument for why A-G should be elected separately from President). There was reason to suspect that the People's Republic of China provided substantial funding to Bill Clinton's 1996 campaign and that Obama received significant overseas funding.  But Republican officeholdes would prefer a Democrat in the White House.

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