
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Trump on AGW

No one expected Donald Trump to give a single energy speech and suddenly pivot to the left on global warming, after a record of expressing skepticism that global warming exists on several prior occasions. 
However, few of even the most die-hard, wary environmentalists likely expected what they got on Thursday, when Trump both effectively clinched the nomination and gave a dismissive energy speech in North Dakota. 
The speech amounted to a broadside against the Obama administration's climate and energy policies, as well as Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton's proposals, in addition to climate science and energy market realities.
Trump revealed he does not see global warming as a threat, and instead wants to burn more "sweet oil." He said he would "cancel" the Paris Climate Accord, which was negotiated in December of last year. The Paris Agreement is the first-ever global agreement to commit industrialized and developing countries to act on global warming. 

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