
Saturday, May 21, 2016

Just Waiting for the Democratic Convention

Doubling down on his feud with the Democratic Party leadership, Senator Bernie Sanders said that if elected president, he will not reappoint Democratic National Committee chairwoman, Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida.
He made the comments during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper that is set to air on Sunday. Mr. Sanders also said he was supporting Tim Canova, a law professor who has begun an insurgent campaign against Ms. Wasserman Schultz for her South Florida congressional seat. They will face off in a primary this summer.
“Well, clearly, I favor her opponent,” Mr. Sanders told Mr. Tapper. “His views are much closer to mine.”
For months, Mr. Sanders has accused the party of favoring Hillary Clinton, often calling her the “anointed candidate.”
Seriously, the Sanders/Clinton squabble is now much worse than the 1980 Democrat intraparty fight.


  1. "Seriously, the Sanders/Clinton squabble is now much worse than the 1980 Democrat intraparty fight."

    Oh, absolutely. Carter won 26 primaries and caucuses, 18 by over 24%. Kennedy won 13, only three by more than 20%, and seven of which were very small states. Kennedy ran up some popular vote numbers in NY, CA, and MA; MI and PA were close; but Carter ran away with all the other major states.

    Sanders is well ahead of Kennedy's vote share; they're almost even, outside the South.

  2. I don't know which is worse. A president whose economic theories are firmly based in Cargo Cult, (Instead of John Frum, he says, "Millionaires and Billionaires" will bring all the cargo we want) or one who missed all political development since Ivan I, Czar of all the Russias.
