
Friday, May 20, 2016

Deranged, But Perhaps Not Mentally Ill

5/19/16 American Mirror reports on a reporter unloading on the lawn of someone who sounds almost as crazy:
KPHO television journalist Jonathan Lowe did a crappy thing, and now he’s paying the price.
Lowe was on assignment Monday covering a story about a former Arizona State University football player who sacrificed his family’s dog in a smoker in a fit of religious rage when nature called, the Phoenix New Times reports.
 “Lowe chose to use the front yard of a residence to relieve himself,” Goodyear, Arizona police spokeswoman Lisa Kutis told the news site. “An onlooker from across the street called it in to officers. They approached him, he said he’d had to relieve himself, and they arrested him.”

Okay stupid reporter.  The interesting part is the story he was covering:
According to Lowe’s KPHO news report, police arrested former Arizona State University football player Patrick Zane Thompson, 42, after he became irate with the shirt his 17-year-old daughter was wearing and burned it in a large barbeque cooker at his home.
My daughter as a teen wore some shirts I did not approve of, but I never would have thought of barbecuing them.
Thompson said he had a vision earlier in the day something bad would happen to his family, and he believed his daughter’s shirt was demonic, according to the report.
“When Thompson went back into the house … he got more erratic and told his family, in front of his four minor children, that he needed to make a sacrifice of a male,” Lowe wrote. “According to the victims, Thompson stated it had to be either himself, his firstborn 6-year-old son or the family dog – a small, white poodle weighing about 15 pounds.”
Lowe reports the man then broke the dog’s neck and stuffed it in the smoker, where police and firefighters found the animal when they arrived. 
Good thing for the 6-year-old they had a dog.


  1. Football player huh.

    What to bet MRI scans would show signs of brain injury consistent with repeated concussions?

  2. I don't think you can strangle yourself to death.

  3. I'd be okay with him trying to.
