
Friday, April 22, 2016

This Is Either a Mob Hit, Or There's A Relative With Serious Mental Health Problems

4/22/16 CNN:
CNN)Eight family members found dead in a rural southern Ohio community were shot in the head "execution style," most while they slept, authorities said Friday.

Officers are searching for the killer or killers, who are probably armed and a danger to surviving family members, Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader said. 
"We have a specific family that's been targeted but I don't think there's been a threat to any other members of the community," he said. "I've given the family precautionary measures to make. They know we're available."
Investigators discovered seven adults and a 16-year-old dead at four crime scenes, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said. The victims included a mother slain while her 4-day-old child lay beside her, he said.....

'There may be more than one' killer

"It would appear all of them were shot in the head," DeWine said. "It would appear it occurred at night. ... The mother was killed in bed with the 4-day-old right there."
The deaths are homicides, DeWine said. Nobody killed themselves.
"The Rhoden family was targeted and we've talked to the family and expressed our concern," he said. "The sheriff's office will work with them for protection."

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