
Friday, March 18, 2016

Hmmm. Random Mass Attack. Name is Mohammed. I Wonder Why?

3/17/16 BuzzFeed:
A University of California, Merced student who injured four people in a campus stabbing spree was inspired by ISIS, the FBI announced on Thursday. 

Faisal Mohammad, an 18-year-old freshman, stabbed two students, a staff member, and a contractor in November 2015. He was fatally shot by a campus police officer, and the victims ultimately recovered.

In the days after the attack, the local sheriff said Mohammad left a two-page manifesto that suggested his motive was that he had been kicked out of a study group. The FBI investigation continued, however, and on Thursday, officials said it appeared he had been inspired by ISIS.

According to the FBI, a photocopy of the ISIS flag was inside the backpack Mohammad had been carrying. The FBI also conducted interviews and reviewed his electronics.
I can hear the liberals now. "But there are all sorts of reasons for the ISIS flag in his backpack.  Maybe he liked the colors, or the Shehada on the flag was his real reason for having it.

Yup, Trump's insistence on shutting the door to Muslims is just ignorant and paranoid.


  1. He's a member of a group responsible for a disproportionate share of the crime in the US.

    It's time to deport 18-year-old males.

  2. Trump's idea of a blanket prohibition on Moslems isn't necessarily paranoid, but it is ignorant.

    What's going on is not a war between Islam and the rest of the world, but a civil war within Islam, with the West coming under occasional attack by one side for supporting the other.

    The great majority of jihadi terrorism is directed at other Moslems, whom they label traitors in the Great Jihad against all infidels. Trump's proclamation confirms their view.
