
Monday, March 28, 2016

A Little Concerned Abbout My Heart

Long walks in near freezing weather and other demanding forms of exercise are causing fatigue similar to what I experienced before the aortic valve replacement and heart attack.  I'm hoping it is just the cold air.


  1. Asthma, perhaps? I've got what they call non-wheezing type. Symptoms are different from the common sort. When it is active, any activity can have me feeling tired, or light-headed. Major trigger for me is mold.

  2. I have 5 stents and the cold has a bad effect on me. Even simple tasks, like walking, gets me out of breath.

  3. I'm hoping it is just the cold air.
    There is a reason why people get heart attacks shoveling snow.
    Call your doc.

  4. Clayton, get yourself to your cardiologist ASAP. Sounds to me like a stress test is needed.

  5. meanwhile get a breathing mask sthat warms the air.
