
Monday, February 22, 2016

Putting Together a YouTube Video About Mandatory Firearms Background Checks

Should have it up soon.

Share with your friends in Nevada; they have one of Billionaire Bloomberg's initiatives coming up. Fixed the audio to remove room noise.


  1. One of the maps in video has Michigan colored "Blue", which appears to mean "All purchases require a background check".

    I'm aware of Michigan's laws about pistol transactions, which amount to as much. (There's a License-to-purchase-a-pistol requirement, and a requirement to file paperwork after the purchase.)

    But I'm not aware of any Michigan law requiring Police interaction or background check for long guns.

    Of course, I'm also not sure of the age of that background graphic.

  2. SJ: Good catch. Fix that this morning.

  3. I'll be critical: It sounds as if the narration was recorded with a distant microphone in a room with the heating and refrigerator running. The prominent "room tone" makes it seem amateurish, even though the narration is very well read almost all the way through.

  4. Technical point: There's some echo in the audio portion. It would be better to re-record with more sound deadening material around the speaker. This would give the sound track more intimacy.


  5. Thanks for the audio suggestions. This was recorded with a headset mike. May try to improve this audio at some point.

  6. shows how to remove room noise using Audacity. It works! You select a silent part of the audio track, and then subtract that from the entire track. Working on rendering right now.

  7. Thanks for doing the change. Small details like that stick out when I notice them.

    Anyway, I really like the material in the video.

    I wasn't distracted by the sound quality--though I could tell the audio wasn't done on recording-studio equipment.

    My impression, after not taking notes too carefully, is that States you studied saw homicide rates rise in the 1960s and 1970s, and fall in the 1990s. Kind of like the entire nation did.

    (Maybe there was an exception where one state saw a modest rise in the 1990s.)

    This doesn't critique your study at all. But it does provide another argument that the background-check laws don't have any measurable effect.
