
Saturday, February 27, 2016

More Totalitarianism From Progressive Faculrty

2/26/15 Daily Signal:
Student protesters swarmed California State University, Los Angeles to barricade the entrances of a theater where conservative commentator Ben Shapiro was set to deliver a speech about censorship and diversity on college campuses.

Led primarily by the school’s Black Student Union and Black Lives Matter chapter, the hundreds of demonstrators, including some professors, poured into the Student Union building Thursday afternoon to block other students from attending the event. 

Many in the dense crowd of protesters shoved and shouted at attendees who tried slipping through the doors.
It sounds like the progressives did a better job of presenting evidsence about "censorship and diversity on college campuse," than Shapiro could have.


  1. Yep.

    I was having a discussion today with a liberal professor. He suggested indirectly that the reason that faculties were so monolithically leftist is because they are the smart people, and thus know that leftism is correct.

    And they wonder why people are upset at the establishment! Sheesh!

  2. I just know it! I can't explain it but I know it. In my heart.
    And Leftists say they are too smart to believe in a religion.
