
Friday, February 26, 2016

Is My Speech Clear Enough?

I have been invited to speak at a Texas Bar Association event in September, and I still sound drunk to myself.  How do I sound?


  1. I think you'll do fine. You slurred a little once or twice but you might be able to get around that by slowing down a little. Even so, it's not bad and anybody should be able to understand what you're saying.

    Good luck!

  2. I find it not quite normal compared to what I remember, but certainly clear enough to address a group.

  3. You sound okay to me. To take the pressure off yourself, why don't you just begin by saying you are recovering from a stroke.

  4. You sound fine to me.

    Though maybe you should mention that you had a stroke recently.

  5. Sounds better than I do when I'm drunk, so I'd say you're good to go!

  6. I don't think its a problem. It sounds like a quite minor speech impediment - nothing to be ashamed of.

  7. Sounds more speech impediment than drunk.

  8. To me, for someone who is recovering from a stroke, your voice sounds like a blessing from God. But then, my grandfather could only mumble after his stroke, with one side of his body paralyzed, until he died many years later.
