
Thursday, February 11, 2016

Imagine A Play Titled "Killing Jews" or "Killing Feminists"

2/10/16 New York Daily News:
“Killing Republicans,” which is in rehearsals for a Brooklyn run in April, takes inspiration from American history and statistics. Three times as many Elephant Commanders-in-Chief have been murdered as Democrats. And the themes of race and equality continue to loom large.

“I wanted to explore why the Republican party, champions of blacks’ lives under Abraham Lincoln, has now completely flipped now,” said writer and lyricist Dick Zigun.

Told in a mix of punk rock and thrash metal music composed by Cristian Amigo, the show takes place in the first class cabin of a transatlantic flight. Three passengers including actress Jodie Foster, a Nigerian pop singer and a rockabilly oil foreman from Biloxi “have drinks, talk politics and sing about the history of assassination attempts on Republicans.”

Gee, maybe because the people that shoot Republican presidents are often mentally ill (Garfield's assassin, John Hinckley)), left-wing radicals (McKinley's assassin), Democratic actors (Lincoln's assassin).  Why would those sorts assassinate their fellow Democrats?


  1. I'm trying to picture the alternate-universe musical "Killing Presidents," which would add you-know-who to the mix. I bet Marina Oswald wouldn't attend.
