
Friday, February 12, 2016

If White Men Did This, It Would Be Evidence of the Racist System of Oppression

2/10/16 Fox channel 6:
MILWAUKEE -- Was it violence or vigilantism? A teenager accused in an attempted carjacking tried fleeing the scene -- but a group of men had another idea. What happened next has led some to call the suspect a victim.

Witnesses say the teen was severely beaten by the group of men.

A photo of the boy left lying in the snow has gone viral.
The photo has some wondering whether the young man deserved it....

Police say this all began one block away, shortly before 2:00 p.m. when two people tried stealing a vehicle.

The vehicle's owner caught them -- and one suspect took off in a getaway car, while the other ran down the street.

"They started tugging on his jacket, shoes and pants," the witness said.

The 15-year-old boy was stopped by a group of men.

"As he was laying there practically naked, they still kept beating him and laughing at him," the witness said.

The group of men left the teen disoriented, laying in the snow.
Don't try a carjacking in a bad neigborhood and you don't have to worry about your "soul brothers" roughing you up.

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