
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The More I Read The Comments on Gun-Related News Stories...

like this one from Missouri, the more I understand how the Holocaust happened.  The gun control nuts are sure of what they know, because the media tell them what to think, and they have so little knowledge of anything (except their own intellectual and moral superiority), that they will not listen.  They aren't a majority anymore, but enough to start house-to-house searches (as long as someone else is at risk).


  1. Never read the comments.

    But wow... The ignorance on display is staggering.

  2. Steve: Yes, it makes me wonder if a test of basic knowledge might be an appropriate voter qualification... but the test would be end up written by CNN and NBC anchors.

  3. That's why Robert Heinlein suggested factoring a quadratic equation as the test for voting. I'm sure that my Stalinist Sister-in-Law doesn't even know what a quadratic equation is, so her Leftist, cargo-cult economic opinions would be merely annoying and not as deadly.
