
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Why Can't We Have Socialized Health Care Like Britain?

From 12/24/15 Express:

THE influx of migrants as well as obese and older mothers are being blamed for Britain’s maternity unit crisis, which sees half of units so stretched they are having to turn away women in LABOUR.

Shocking figures released today reveal expectant mums had to travel up to 50 miles, often in their own cars or a taxi, to have their babies at an alternative hospital while some maternity units have been closed to new births for up to two days.

The statistics, released under the Freedom of Information Act, show 45 of the 93 NHS maternity units surveyed closed their doors at least once in 2015. Women were turned away on at least 575 occasions, compared with 461 in 2014....

The Royal College of Midwives has previously warned the rise in older mothers and the obese is putting extra strain on maternity units as these people tend to have more complicated labours involving caesareans and other interventions that require dedicated attention from staff.The number of women giving birth in their forties has increased by 78 per cent in the past 10 years.

Migrants are adding to the vast pressure maternity units are already under - more than 695,000 babies were born in England in 2014 - by starting families after arriving in the UK.


1 comment:

  1. Then there is the risk that these migrant babies could include Jihadist's over the next 20 years. That risk is definitely not a low one.
