
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Story of the Terrorists Gets More Interesting

The Dec. 9, 2015 Los Angeles Times reports on the guy who bought the two California legal AR-15s, then unlawfully transferred them to the terrorists:
Marquez has cooperated with FBI agents, who have been interviewing him in recent days, according to a law enforcement source speaking on the condition of anonymity. He purchased the weapons in 2011 or 2012, around the time Farook is believed to have begun considering carrying out a terrorist attack in the U.S., according to a federal government official who also spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

There is no paperwork transferring ownership of the weapons to Farook, federal officials have previously said.

Farook told at least one associate about his plans, according to a source, but it was not clear to whom he spoke. Marquez also converted to Islam around the time Farook began to consider an attack, the source said. Members of the Islamic center where Marquez sometimes attended prayer, however, said his presence at the mosque was uncommon....

He also cemented his connection to his next-door neighbor by marrying the sister of Farook's sister-in-law last year, according to county records....

On one of the few occasions that he opened up about his personal life, Ramirez remembers Marquez confessing that he and his new wife were "not clicking."

Marquez married Mariya Chernykh in November 2014, according to county records. The marriage added another connection to the Farook family; Chernykh's sister was married to Syed Raheel Farook, the shooter's older brother.

The sisters are from Russia, according to marriage records. Raheel and his wife were both witnesses at Marquez's wedding, records show. Raheel and Chernykh's sister, Tatiana Gigliotti, were married in 2011.

The women came to the United States separately on J-1 visas, which allow foreign individuals to enter for work-study cultural exchange programs, according to the federal official who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Marquez's marriage could strike some people as odd, although Ramirez did not find it unusual. Marquez did not live with his wife, she said, and he never explained his living arrangements....
Brittani Adams, a neighbor of Syed Raheel Farook, said she had seen Marquez and Chernykh around the family home but the two looked like anything but a married couple.

"He would never leave with her, come with her, not hug her," Adams, 24, said. "None of them seemed like they were married. It was very weird."
Marriage of convenience?  Or one Muslim covering for a terrorist attack?  Trump's proposal looks more and more sensible.

I was right.  From Dec. 9, 2015 ABC:
The neighbor and longtime friend of Syed Rizwan Farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters, admitted to law enforcement that he and Farook considered taking action as far back as 2012, but abandoned the plot, according Sen. James Risch. 

“He has admitted that he and the deceased were planning to do an attack in 2012, and that they abandoned that because there had been some arrests immediately adjacent to that right in their area, in southern California probably by the counter terrorism people that really caused them to rethink it,” Risch, R-Idaho, told ABC News, echoing comments he made on CNN. “So they abandoned that and did not pursue that event.” Risch, who sits on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, said the plan was “very general.”

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