
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Remember: Trump Can't Win

I am generally skeptical of WND, but this poll they are reporting on might well be right:
Because a new poll, which still has Trump leading the race, shows 40 percent of blacks are lining up behind Trump, as are 45 percent of Hispanics, and even nearly 19 percent of Asians.

Blacks and Hispanics, in fact, even support Trump at a higher level than whites.

How could this be?  After all the overheated rhetoric about illegal aliens?  Remember that many Hispanics were born here and are competing for the same underpaid jobs as illegals (ditto for black voters) or came here legally and resent queue-jumpers.


  1. The term "Hispanic" is misleading. There are 3 main groups in the US and they each have different situations and interests:

    1) Puerto Ricans are already natural born US citizens same as if born in Wyoming or Montana. Those who lever in the great emigration of the past 10-20 years are not monolithically democrat. Perhaps 50-50. Citizenship and immigration is not an issue to them except that illegal immigration takes away their jobs and drives wages down. Natural Trump supporters.

    2) Cubans already in the US are already legal immigrants from the moment they stepped ashore. Many have become citizens, their born here children are automatically citizens at birth. Natural republicans as they see the Demmies in bed with Castro.

    3) Mexicans are really the only ones as a group who have a beef about restrictions on illegal immigration and deportation.

    John Henry

  2. In other words, if Trump runs on a third-party ticket, he might draw more votes from Democrats.

  3. In other words, if Trump runs on a third-party ticket, he might draw more votes from Democrats.
