
Monday, December 21, 2015

If Someone Gets Shot: It's NRA's Fault

From 12/21/15 Associated Press:
BALTIMORE (AP) — A 17-year-old student who authorities say was stabbed by another teen in a Baltimore high school classroom has died.

Baltimore police spokesman T.J. Smith said in a statement that the student died Sunday night, nearly a month after the Nov. 24 stabbing at Renaissance Academy High School.
Lt. Jarron Jackson, another police spokesman, identified the slain student as Ananias Jolley.
Seventeen-year-old Donte Crawford is charged as an adult with attempted murder in the attack. Smith says investigators are working with the State's Attorney's Office to file additional charges.
Whose fault is this?  What Republican caused this?  The inventor of steel?

1 comment:

  1. And every dui or other alcohol or drug-fueled crime by an abuser of alcohol or drugs is the fault of the recreational users, since their non-criminal use enables the seller to achieve an economy of scale that reduces the cost of the drug or alcohol for the abuser, enabling the abuse and thus the crime.
