
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Paging Woody Allen...

From Nov. 3, 2015 CNN
Nino Esposito, a retired teacher, adopted his partner Roland "Drew" Bosee, a former freelance and technical writer, in 2012, after more than 40 years of being a couple.
Now, they're trying to undo the adoption to get married and a state trial court judge has rejected their request, saying his ability to annul adoptions is generally limited to instances of fraud.


  1. In fairness, the younger of the two, Bosee, was 23 when the two started their relationship while Esposito was 33, and began the 'adoption' process only forty-two years later into an already-romantic relationship, with the explicit goal of adopting only for inheritance purposes. That's a creepy chickenhawkish age gap even within the gay male community, which I'll admit is far from great about the half-age-plus-seven rule, but it's nowhere near as bad as the 57-year-old Allen marrying a 21-year-old adopted daughter of a woman he'd been 'visiting' for ten years.

    1. Never understood the need to adopt for inheritance. You can will your property to a cat.

  2. "Never understood the need to adopt for inheritance. You can will your property to a cat."

    Oh I wouldn't do that. Too much temptation to 'accidentally' trip you at the top of the stairs.

  3. Normally, yes.

    Practically, there never been federal or state laws touching around appearances of property-sharing-like-marriage arrangements, nor high-profile court cases where cats were accused of being undue influences on their minder (apparently too obvious). There were for gay men and lesbian women, most often when they had kids before going gay or when they died before their parents, such as during the AIDs crisis.

    It was terrible legal advice in retrospect, and likely not great advice even with the knowledge at the time, but some of the specific details of the time made it less unreasonable.
