
Wednesday, November 4, 2015

I Hope These Are Signs For 2016

From Nov. 4, 2015 Houston Chronicle:
Houston's controversial equal rights ordinance failed by a wide margin Tuesday, with voters opting to repeal the law that offered broad non-discrimination protections, according to incomplete and unofficial returns.

You will recall that opposition to the city council passing this measure led to a judge issuing subpoenas for pastor's sermons a while back. If the homofascists can lose in Houston, the would probably lose a popular vote in Idaho.

The billionaire effort to pass gun control in Virginia suffered a major defeat:
Virginia Republicans look set to hold onto their Senate majority in the Old Dominion, amid aggressive campaigning by Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

It is a big defeat for McAuliffe, a close ally for Hillary Clinton, and a big defeat for New York billionaire Mike Bloomberg, who donated heavily to Democrats in the hope of winning the Virginia electoral fights on a promise of more gun-control.

Republicans beat back two serious challengers Tuesday, holding onto seats in the suburbs of Richmond and the Hampton Roads area.

In another hotly contested race, Republican Hal Parrish holds a lead over Democrat Jerry McPike. If Parrish holds onto his lead, it would represent a Republican gain, as the two are battling to replace a retiring Democrat.

McAuliffe, with considerable help from Bloomberg, bet his political capital on Democrats winning the upper Chamber. But he seems to have fallen far short.

And while I think the Coos Bay measure is going to lose in court, I was pleased to see it easily pass.

Coos County voters approved a "Second Amendment Preservation Measure" Tuesday that would bar the enforcement of certain types of gun restrictions and allow the sheriff to determine which state and federal gun laws are unconstitutional.

Nearly complete results show the measure passing with more than 60 percent of voters in favor.

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