
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Gang Stalking

I received a call this morning from someone who had seen my Connecticut Law Review article about mental illness and mass murder.  She explained that "gang stalking" is an insufficiently examined part of the problem.  For five years, she explained that a large group of people have been following her around in cars, trying to become friends, and showing that they know things about her that they could only know if they were part of the conspiracy.  Of course, she has been told she is mentally ill, but knows this isn't the case.  Stasi, Cointelpro, citizens police academies, FBI, Obama all get folded in.

Only slightly surprising is the number of websites devoted to this subject.  Paranoia does not prevent creating Web sites.


  1. Um ... intrinsically fascinating, but the information offered here to actually UNDERSTAND the issue is quite sufficiently vague to preclude actually understanding the issue.

    Perhaps you would consider elaborating in a later post?

  2. Jerry: I thought it would be clear enough that the whole "gang stalking" idea is an indicator of severe paranoia.

    Windy: amazing, but no Templars.

  3. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you...

  4. Did this person offer reasons why there might be an organized conspiracy against them? No doubt because they hold some secret or dangerous knowledge.

  5. I wonder if it's this woman:
