
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Affirmative Action Is Good Enough For The Oval Office

Why not the fire department?  From Nov. 8, 2015 New York Post:
​A female FDNY recruit has graduated from the Fire Academy after her instructors fudged on her strength, agility and running requirements, insiders say.

Choeurlyne Doirin-Holder, 39, never achieved a passing score of 17 minutes and 50 seconds on the Functional Skills Test, a course of job-related tasks in full gear such as stretching hoses and dragging dummies, according to an FDNY source familiar with the training. She did not come in under 24 minutes in practice tests.

Doirin-Holder also failed to run the required 1.5 miles in 12 minutes or less — even after the running course was slashed by an estimated quarter-mile, the source said, alleging that the start and finish lines were moved to shorten the run....
The FDNY has come ­under fire for its lack of ­female firefighters, who now number 49 — less than half of 1 percent of the 10,500-person force.

Doirin-Holder, a former city EMT, is one of 282 court-ordered “priority hires” who Brooklyn federal Judge Nicholas Garaufis ordered must get preference because of past discrimination against minorities.

It was her third attempt at passing the academy after taking the civil-service exam in 1999.
After dropping out of her second attempt in 2014 because of an injury, the FDNY gave the mom-of-two a desk job at full firefighter pay and benefits. She was paid $81,376 including overtime last year.

Fortunately, no one's life is at risk if she fails to do her job.  And there were three other women who passed the test.

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