
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

More Evidence the Democrats Need An Opposition Party

Obama's global warming proposal is discussed in August 4, 2015 Fortune:
However, West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey gave a taste of what’s in store as the Administration tries to force through its plans.

“The final rule announced Monday blatantly disregards the rule of law and will severely harm West Virginia and the U.S. economy,” Morrisey said. “This rule represents the most far-reaching energy regulation in this nation’s history, drawn up by radical bureaucrats and based upon an obscure, rarely used provision of the Clean Air Act. We intend to challenge it in court vigorously.”

House Speaker John A. Boehner, meanwhile, called the plan “an expensive, arrogant insult to Americans who are struggling to make ends meet”–but he didn’t renew previous threats to disrupt the rest of Congress’s agenda in order to get the rule scrapped.

Of course not.  Boehner probably has some embarrassing skeleton in his closet like former Speaker Hastert.

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