
Monday, August 10, 2015

Gun Control As A Projection Problem

I have long thought enthusiasm for gun control can best be explained as a projection problem.  People weak on self-control assume that everyone else is as weak as they are.  Like this August 10, 2015 Fox News story that Shall Not Be Questioned linked to:
A White House staffer was arrested late Friday after allegedly shooting a gun at her boyfriend, an officer with the U.S. Capitol Police, during a heated argument, authorities said.

Barvetta Singletary, 37, who is a special assistant to President Obama and also holds the title of house legislative liaison, was charged with domestic violence in the incident, which police say occurred at her home in Upper Marlboro, Md.

Police say she summoned her boyfriend, who was not identified, by text message, and the two had sex. Afterward, according to the criminal complaint, Singletary went to the man’s car with him and accused him of dating other women. Inside the car, Singletary allegedly took the man’s cellphones and his service weapon, demanding passwords to unlock messages stored on the phones.


  1. At my place of (part time) work, we had a lecture on "Active Shooters." We are a recruit center for the US military. IT was refreshing to see no BS by the speaker, an FBI SWAT team member, Told us about cases around th world, including Fort Hood. Mentioned that the Colorado shooter passed three theaters before he came to the one with a "Gun Free Zone" sign.

    There are federal employees who are immune to the BS.

  2. If he wasn't dating other women then, he should be now. The cray-cray is strong in this one.

    As to impulse control, my SIL is really spendy, an impulse control issue in itself, even if it's hidden by buying things for my nephew. Money has naturally been tight and on mother's day, my brother was mindful of this and wanted to go to some rstaurant that did not involve low three figures for the bill. SIL took this badly and during the argument she waved a kitchen knife around and threatened to kill herself. With impulse control like that, I can understand her extreme Leftist nanny-love and frothingly loud support for gun control.

    1. It took a minute to figure out SIL means sister-in-law.
