
Monday, July 20, 2015

Ubuntu Linux Is Becoming Less Useable to a Naive User

It used to be that Ubuntu Linux, for all its quirks, was almost a useful alternative to Windows.  Ubuntu 10.04 is not.  I just want to transfer a file from my Windows PC on my LAN and I can't see how to do so.  Samba does not work.  A USB drive does not show up.  For reasons I do not understand, gmail through Firefox is not receiving emails, apparently because this Ubuntu version is not current enough.


  1. I'm up to 15.04 (vivid) so can't comment/recall how it was on 10.04. But I have a usb drive on my router that my win7 pc sees fine AND my ubuntu laptop shows when I open the network location. And never a problem walking a flash drive or usb hard drive between the two.

  2. Clayton,
    I have used Ubuntu Linux for more than five years, starting with Ubuntu 9. I am using Ubuntu 14 and 15 as will as Lubuntu 14.04 on a old 32 bit laptop. I could never get Ubuntu 12.04 to share with each other, so I went to14.04. The Ubuntu to Ubuntu is easy. Ubuntu to win xp, 7, 8 is easy with Samba. The Ubuntu to Ubuntu is easy so long as you go to the file system to file system. If you want to go to a second drive to second drive, it is the pits, The key is to Google "Ubuntu sharing the second hard drive". It took me 3 weeks to ask the right question.
    I have read your blog when you lived in Marin county. I too live in Northern California and often think of moving to Idaho.
    Best wishes,
    Richard Boggs


  3. Clayton,
    I have used Ubuntu Linux for more than five years, starting with Ubuntu 9. I am using Ubuntu 14 and 15 as will as Lubuntu 14.04 on a old 32 bit laptop. I could never get Ubuntu 12.04 to share with each other, so I went to14.04. The Ubuntu to Ubuntu is easy. Ubuntu to win xp, 7, 8 is easy with Samba. The Ubuntu to Ubuntu is easy so long as you go to the file system to file system. If you want to go to a second drive to second drive, it is the pits, The key is to Google "Ubuntu sharing the second hard drive". It took me 3 weeks to ask the right question.
    I have read your blog when you lived in Marin county. I too live in Northern California and often think of moving to Idaho.


  4. Clayton,
    I have used Ubuntu Linux for more than five years, starting with Ubuntu 9. I am using Ubuntu 14 and 15 as will as Lubuntu 14.04 on a old 32 bit laptop. I could never get Ubuntu 12.04 to share with each other, so I went to14.04. The Ubuntu to Ubuntu is easy. Ubuntu to win xp, 7, 8 is easy with Samba. The Ubuntu to Ubuntu is easy so long as you go to the file system to file system. If you want to go to a second drive to second drive, it is the pits, The key is to Google "Ubuntu sharing the second hard drive". It took me 3 weeks to ask the right question.
    I have read your blog when you lived in Marin county. I too live in Northern California and often think of moving to Idaho.

  5. Is there any particular reason you're using 10.4 or Ubuntu in general? I've migrated to Mint and prefer it to Ubuntu since it's a much more desktop-oriented version than Ubuntu.

  6. Because LinuxCNC is bundled with it.

  7. Rounds: After I installed the automountusb program, flash drives work.
