
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Odd Request

My wife has wriiten what might be considered an updated for modern times & technology version of C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters.  One difficulty is finding a Christian publisher.  Most Christian publishers simply will not consider unagented works, and our last attempt at finding an agent specializing in Christian books was discouraging.  Typical reaction was "If yoo aren't already nationally known, there's no chance."  (This is before seeing the manuscript.)  Anyone have contacts?


  1. I suggest publishing in Kindle (and/or ebook) format. You don't need a "publisher". You can co-publish with a publish on demand for paper. It is "easy" to convert electronically to Kindle/ebook format (I have and could help you if needed).

    There is still getting the material to be reviewed (publish on demand keeps the total possibilities here low), but that can be done personally (write to editors etc).

  2. We have already done that with several books; it would be nice to have a big publisher (although my experience suggests that they are only effective if your name is Clinton or O'Reilly).

  3. You should check in with Vox Day / Theodore Beale ( who is a founder of Castalia House ( They publish SF, Fantasy, and non-fiction and are a very Christian organization. I imagine that they'd be interested in this manuscript.

  4. Talk to Theodore Beale (Vox Day) over at Castalia House.

  5. You could try - it sounds like the sort of thing they might be interested in.

  6. Without trying to discourage, are you aware that this subject has been done once before circa 1975?

    The book is "Screwtape Writes Again" by Walter R. Martin (A man I learned much from.) It is an excellent work.

    Dr. Martin founded the Christian Research Institute in 1960, and was himself a contemporary and collaborator with Donald Grey Barnhouse.

  7. Clayton,

    Also, try Canon Press in Moscow. 208) 883-8932

  8. rfb: Did not know. We own a number of Martin's books.
