
Monday, July 27, 2015

First Successful gCode Program

I have given up on Fusion 360; it is probably a good choice for a very complex part to machine.  But the fact that simple operations (like shortening a part by 1.5") are so hard that even AutoDesk's support people and developers can't explain how to do it, and the hanging problem that does not seem to concern them, has caused me to start coding directly in gCode, with some programmatic help from C.  My first attempt to program in gCode was simple.  I have a block of Delrin 2.260" by 2.00 that I will cut an X across the top and then a small border on the left side:

The first pass I had the Z-axis going up, not down.

The gCode:


  1. A roughing bit is probably not a good thing to use on that material.

    All those strings or threads hanging off the block are not good. It should not look like a chia pet. :)

  2. Found some milling and turning data on Delrin:
    (One page only)
