
Sunday, June 21, 2015

preprinted for CNC milling

I solved my file sharing problem without Samba.  This morning I replaced windows XP and Ubuntu 12.04 on my Compaq NC600 with the Ubuntu 10/EMC2 combo.  Windows XP was a security problem anyway.

1 comment:

  1. OT: Clayton, each time I visit this site I get a popup from Avast! saying that there's a bad URL found here:

    According to Avast! this URL is malware. I haven't experienced any ill effects from whatever this is, but thought you ought to know about it.

    If you know what this is and will vouch for it, I'll report this to Avast as a 'false positive'.

    More OT: I sure am glad that you're making such a great recovery! Keep it up!

    Denis Wauchope
