
Friday, June 5, 2015

Alaska State Troopers: A Reminder Why Intoxicants Are So Heavily Regulated

Watching this show is a powerful reminder why almost all societies try to control intoxicants.  Watching some of these people while loadede is a reminder that enough intoxicants will take 50 points off your IQ, from people who can't afford to lose any points at all before reaching the reptilian phase.  The potheads are also pretty amazing.

Great moments:  From the 911 dispatcher: "There are seven people in the apartment.  Her husband is being beaten up by their sushi chef."

1 comment:

  1. I had never seen the show, of course, but based on your comments I found some episodes on UTUBE. Too bad the state of Alaska ended the franchise last your, but I have a channel now where I go watch it online,

    Which is best, since I don't have television.

    Thanks for the reference.
