
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Does This Smell Like A Setup?

There's an ermbarrassing scandal from the Missouri legislature:
JEFFERSON CITY • House Speaker John Diehl issued a statement Wednesday apologizing and seeking forgiveness for exchanging sexually charged messages with a college freshman who worked as an intern in the Capitol.

“I take full responsibility for my actions and am truly sorry to those I let down," said Diehl, R-Town and Country. "I apologize for the poor judgment I displayed that put me and those closest to me in this situation."

What makes me wonder a bit about entrapment is:

The 19-year-old intern, who was not named in the Star's report, declined to comment to the Post-Dispatch on Wednesday. She referred questions to her attorney, Philip Willoughby, a former Democratic state representative from Kansas City. He could not immediately be reached.
 What are the odds that someone involved in an embarrassing scandal (of a Republican) just happens to have a Democrat attorney?


  1. Not just a Democrat, a former state representative. I believe Republicans have a veto proof majority in both houses. That certainly doesn't sit well with the Democrats.

    I find this suspicious, but he should have had the smarts not respond or be involved with her in any other way. He's married with three kids. Not that that matters to anyone anymore. I'm sick of politicians. The Republicans should demand he resign his seat and be done with him. I'm guessing he knows things about others that they wouldn't want getting out, though, so... I'm not holding my breath.

  2. Since both parties are in the sewer flinging poop at each other they all look guilty to me.

  3. Last day of the session so highly unlikely he'll resign this session. Probably won't be back next session though.

  4. w: To just look at our special interest, Republican legislators have been very good to gun owners in the last decade.

    Although I suppose Missouri might be unusual, even our current Democratic governor, who's bad on all sorts of topics including guns, has been doing things like preemptively laying off government employees to keep our budget sane.

    So I see a difference, even if all are fallible human beings.

  5. hga: Yes, I almost always vote for R's based on support of gun owners even though I may have to hold my nose for other reasons.
