
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Boise Polce Department Motto

Make Sure Pronounce the Last Word As A Verb, Not An Element Name:


  1. One must ask, "Just who are they protecting and serving"? Unfortunately, with the rise of politically-powerful police unions, the answer seems to be "themselves".

  2. I wonder if anyone in the BPD or critic of them has ever thought of it as the Element. Sarcastic irony.

    No doubt there has been a few cases where they have developed a trigger happy reputation (at least in the past).

    Now anyone who tries or succeeds in grabbing the officer's gun deserves a pound of lead in them regardless of their race! Even in the officer approaching you is harassing you because of your race and is in the wrong...of course those "protestors" are too stupid to figure that out...

  3. I don't know, protecting and serving lead sounds like a legitimate part of the job...

  4. I don't have the negative view of BPD that many do. As near as I can tell, their use of deadly force has been pretty reasonable. A lot of liberals in Boise have delusions about the nature of police work.

  5. No question most of the critics of the BPD are liberals and most of their criticisms are ridiculous.

    That seems to often be true nationally as well.
