
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

As Usual, The Losers From Riots Are Civilized Blacks

From May 18, 2015 WJZ-TV:
BALTIMORE (WJZ) — City crime spike. A dramatic increase in violence in Baltimore. Dozens of shooting and murders in the last few weeks following the riots last month.

Christie Ileto reports some are concerned police are hesitant to crack down after six officers were charged in the death of Freddie Gray.

No parent should ever have to bury a child, but it’s Vel Hick’s reality.

“He took my baby away from me. That’s my baby,” she said.

Her 33-year-old son Louis is now one of 96 homicides in Baltimore this year–an undercurrent of violence that’s up almost one-third from this time last year.
Even if police officers did wrong in Freddie Gray's death, the harsh reality is that poor blacks need a strong police presence to control the savages in their midst.  The alternative is worse.

1 comment:

  1. I think this headline could have been in the Detroit News in 1967.

    And in Los Angeles in 1991.
