
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I'm beginning to think it is time for a third party

We now have the absurd situation where ARepublican-controlled House won't vote to stop amnesty for illegal aliens because the Speaker of the House is concerned about bad press, and the White House is discussing raising tax rates without Congressional approval.  The Republicans are no longer useful.  Why bother voting when Republicans act like Democrats?


  1. I think Boehner and probably some of the rest of the GOP leadership are being blackmailed. I'm not believing a Chicago operative like Obama could ignore the massive surveillance apparatus kindly put in place by his predecessor, and not use it for political purposes. Especially when so many tech people these days have politics just to the right of Trotsky.

  2. I disagree. The pubbies are NOT acting like demoncrats. If they were demoncrats, they be doing something effective (maybe not rational or Constitutional but effective) for their cause. They are acting like pubbies who seem to be either too dumb to get out of the rain or too afraid not to (though I don't discount that this is what the pubbie establishment wants anyway).

  3. I've been seriously thinking about re-registering as an Independent. I don't wish to be affiliated with people who win elections and cannot govern or worse, govern like Democrat-lite.

  4. A third party is largely useless these days, if it's not philosophically and inherently focused on smaller, less intrusive government, then you're back to what we have now in less than a generation.

    If it is, then you have the Libertarians.

  5. The election of 2014 was the GOP's last shot at regaining relevance in the USA. They have failed to follow through with the mandate they were given. Dem-Lite is not what is needed, or wanted.

    Stick a fork in 'em, they're done.

  6. Sebastian: sounds paranoid, but it makes sense.

  7. No surprises. Most of the people in both parties are corrupt and bought and paid for and we get what we pay for (I'm too poor to buy them off).

    Unless a third party is 1) truly different and 2) has a reasonable chance of getting elected then nothing will change. All a 3rd party seems to be good for is vote splitting to insure the greater evil gets elected.

    Voting: an exercise in futility.

  8. I don't think the establishment GOP, let alone its leaders, have to be blackmailed to do what they palpably want to do. As far as I can tell not a single likely 2016 Republican presidential candidate is against massive immigration, Scott Walker's improbable battlefield conversion notwithstanding. Heck, Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas to 300,000 per year!

    Yet this is pure poison to the base. The Dems would have to be inconceivably clever to be blackmailing all of these people, without being getting caught, just to provide the nation an fake opposition party to make things look barely legit to us bitter clingers.

  9. The country is not set up to make more than two parties a viable alternative and the two parties aren't about to let it happen either. While the Libertarians frequently elect Democrats, the Greens also elect Republicans although less often because the Dems have better kneecappers who can discourage a potentially damaging candidacy.

    OTOH, the Tea Party wing of the Republican party keeps getting stronger and stronger. Support conservative candidates and eventually you get a conservative party.

  10. This is exactly the reason why I am no longer a Republican. Couldn't put up with the constant betrayals; always saying the 'right' thing but then doing the 'wrong' thing, regardless of what they just said.

    Don't even know if I'll bother voting anymore, as near as I can tell it's all fraud, all the way. Been like that in CA for a long time; won't elect any more Reagans here, will we. Couldn't if we wanted to!
