
Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Sort of Headline I Like To See

From February 22, 2015 Telegraph:
More than 1,000 people formed a "ring of peace" Saturday outside Oslo's main synagogue at the initiative of a group of young Muslims.
The event in the Norwegian capital follows a series of attacks against Jews in Europe, including the terror attacks in Paris in January and in neighboring Denmark last week.
One of the eight independent organisers of Saturday's event in Oslo, Hajrah Arshad said the gathering shows "that Islam is about love and unity."
"We want to demonstrate that Jews and Muslims do not hate each other," co-organiser Zeeshan Abdullah told the crowd, standing in a half-circle before the white synagogue. "We do not want individuals to define what Islam is for the rest of us."

It has always been my impression that many peaceful Muslims have been afraid to say no to the lunatics.  This showed some courage.

UPDATE: A number of readers point out that the story is at best, a misrepresentation, but that's what I expect fromprofessional journalists.


  1. "We want to demonstrate that Jews and Muslims do not hate each other," co-organiser Zeeshan Abdullah told the crowd...

    He's swimming upstream. This is from "On the City Wall", a Kipling short story set in Lahore circa 1890. The speaker is Wali Dad, a young lapsed Moslem: ‘Though I have lost every belief in the world,’ said he, ‘and try to be proud of my losing, I cannot help hating a Jew.'

  2. "It has always been my impression that many peaceful Muslims have been afraid to say no to the lunatics. This showed some courage."

    Well, save your praise, Clayton. The whole story is a lie.

  3. Unfortunately, it may not have turned out that way:


  4. A heartwarming story, but apparently totally false. this account from Breitbart shows about 20 Muslims, forming a short line,
