
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The End of Page 3 Girls

From the 1/20/15 Daily Mail:
Government ministers have welcomed reports that the Sun has dropped Page 3 girls - with one branding the controversial feature "old-fashioned sexism".
Britain's best-selling tabloid has not published pictures of topless glamour models since Friday, and has reportedly decided to quietly drop the feature.
Education Secretary Nicky Morgan, who also holds the women and equalities brief, said the move is "long overdue".
I have never been able to take the Sun seriously because of this; I find myself wondering how much their circulation will drop.  Whenever I see Americans compared unfavorably to the sophistication of Europeans, I think of the Page 3 girls.


  1. Don't take it so seriously.

    The girls page was an English tradition, and it was a fine example of the creativity of capitalism.

  2. It appears that they were trolling their enemies.

    As for the British press ... well, I think overall it's a lot healthier than ours. Don't know about you, but I find that the Daily Mail tabloid publishes a tremendous amount of stuff that I generally can't find in US media. Not just the un-PC stuff, but they were where I found these before and after the tornado pictures of my apartment complex (3rd and 2nd from the last). They at least are doing a lot of basic news reporting that doesn't seem to be in style any more in the US ... along with a ton of salacious stuff which is in style here....
