
Friday, January 9, 2015

Multiple Displays

Ever since I worked for Paladin in Bend, Oregon, I have been thrilled by multiple display systems, really useful for debugging.  The docking station for the ThinkPad supports two external monitors.  With some help from my very organized wife I rearranged the desk.
The 23" monitor is 1920x1080, and the 20" monitor is 1600x1200.


  1. The next thing you need to do is to get your monitors off the desk. I hang my from the wall behind my desk, you might need arms.

    When I started hanging my monitors, and moved to a wireless keyboard and mouse, I found I had a clear desktop - for the first time in 30+ years. And I was surprised how much of a difference it made.

  2. Great idea. but there is a window with a great view there.

  3. That's why I said you might want to think about monitor arms.

  4. Way back when I worked for Claris, I had my machine set up with three monitors. That was wonderful. And back in the 90's, it was trivial to do with Macs.

    My first job out of college I worked for a company that did briefing systems for the military, and supported up to 6 monitors. And I basically re-wrote the program they'd bought to run the displays. So, yeah, I wrote a 5-screen-one-control-screen version of PowerPoint before PowerPoint existed. And back then, a maxed-out Mac II would end up having more memory in those 6 640x480 video cards than it had on the Motherboard (A whopping 8 Meg!).

  5. What kind of graphics do you have in that ThinkPad?
