
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Bloomberg Bought the Best Crook Money Could Buy

The 1/8/15 Philadelphia Inquirer reports on Bloomberg's handpicked Pensylvania Attorney-General being indicted:
The special prosecutor and grand jury investigating allegations that Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane leaked secret information to a newspaper have found evidence of wrongdoing and recommended that she be criminally charged, according to numerous people familiar with the decision.

The panel concluded that Kane violated grand-jury secrecy rules by leaking investigative material in a bid to embarrass political enemies, sources said.

Some of those familiar with the grand jury presentment say it recommended charges that included perjury and contempt of court.
What makes Kane so amazing is that her predecessor had clear evidence that a number of elected Philadelphia officials were accepting bribes, but decided that the pursuit of corruption was racist, because most of them were black.  The ultimate Democrat!

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