
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Throwing Out Newton With Nagasaki

You may not be familiar with this expression.  It refers to the tendency of leftists to discard Western science and its many virtues because of the misuses of science.  We have another example from 12/12/14 Yahoo News:
SAN DIEGO (AP) — California officials are battling the worst whooping cough epidemic to hit the state in seven decades as a recent rebound in cases raises questions about the effectiveness of the pertussis vaccine.
Doctors emphasize that the inoculation has led to fewer deaths than in the past and in instances where people do get sick, their illnesses aren't as severe. But California officials say the limited protection of the vaccine introduced in the 1990s has led to the rise in cases. Research has shown it doesn't last as long as the one it replaced, and a new study suggests the vaccine may not prevent the spread of the disease.
Whooping cough peaks every three to five years, and California's last epidemic was in 2010. But despite an aggressive public health campaign in response, the current outbreak is worse.
A total of 9,935 cases were reported to the California Department of Public Health from Jan. 1 to Nov. 26 — the highest number in 70 years. The cases included one infant who died. Elementary, middle and high school outbreaks have occurred across the state.

That vaccine was replaced in the 1990s because of side effects, which included pain and swelling from the shot and fever. The newer vaccine is part of routine childhood vaccinations as well as adult booster shots.
No mention of the part that autism is caused by vacinnation alarmists played in this.

As some of the commenters point the problem is most severe in a Mexican border county.  We know that Third World vacinnation rates must be at First World levels.


  1. I read a Washington Post article on this that never once mentions vaccine deniers. They quote a CDC page that apparently also never mentions it.

    Commenters, in addition to speculating about vaccine refusal, also suggested that California's large population of illegal immigrants may also be contributing.

  2. Vacinne deniers are a big part of the liberal constituency.
