
Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Disability Evaluation

I went to the neurologist, that Social Security wanted to evaluate me for disability.  He seemed to think I would qualify.  Lots of question, reflex tests, etc.

The neurologist also indicated that he thought the stroke was more likely a plaque from the artery hat was cleared than from a calcium deposit, because calcium deposits don't go away, but thtombolytic material eventually dissolves, explaining my fairly rapid improvement.


  1. Your email button in the right column does not work. I get a pop-up window that tells me the page does not exist.

  2. I don't see an email button in the right column. What text does it show?

  3. I think the OP means the "envelope" icon under the "Connect" bar at the upper right side. Other icons appear to be for facebook, twitter, youtube, etc. The URLs I see when hovering seem to be mostly placeholders.

    (Glad to see your health progress - keep it up!)
