
Friday, December 26, 2014

Back Massager

I borrowed a massage pad that goes on a chair from a friend, and found it so helpful that I went to Brookstone in the mall and looked at similar devices, then I went to Amazon to find the equivalent at a bettter price.  The Zyllion ZMA-14 seemed to be equivalent. (These are all cranked out by the same factories under slightly different names.)  And yes, it works beautifully!  There are more modes than the one I borrowed from Terry; both a shiatsu mode, simulating having a Japanese woman going through all your back muscls with incredibly powerful fingers, and a roller mode which I think is more akin  to Swedish massage.  It also has a neck kneader that massages yoor neck muscles, with adjustments for how high up your neck it goes. 

This is no substitute for having a human being who knows what he or she is doing massage your back, but it is a bargain at about $180 shipped, and I leave it on my office chair, to keep everything relaxed.

For reasons I don't understand, even though this gal was on the outside of the box, I didn't find her on the inside:

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