
Monday, September 1, 2014

A Little Sense From Range Operators

this Septemer 1, 2014 Washington Times article about gun tourism to the U.S. mentions that this tragedy where a 9 year old lost control of an Uzi submachine gun causing the death of her instructor brought back memories of going to Front Sight in Pahrump, NV for one of their free submachine gun classe many years agos.  This was an opportunity for some father-daughter bonding so I enrolled her as well.  After the first day of instruction, no live ammo, the instructor pulled me aside to express his concerns that she might not be strong enough to control an Ingram M-11 on full auto.  He had no reservations about her emotional maturity, just strength.  It was all handled very professionally and respectfully.  After my own experiences firing the M-11 full auto 1200 rpm (a really wicked piece of machinery) lead me to think they were being too cautious, but far better to be overly cautious.  The article aforementioned mentions that

But behind the bravado, owners acknowledge they are one errant movement away from tragedy. Cohen’s business, for example, is installing a tethering system that will prevent machine guns from riding upward after firing — the same motion that killed the gun instructor this week.


  1. A really tragic accident that should have been avoided.

    I disagree with the man in the video who said there is no such thing as gun safety with a child. I also disagree with "Fed Up" who says he is an "NRA Life Member and Certified Instructor in FL" who commented on the article that he had no problem with a nine year old firing an Uzi. I think an Uzi is a little much for a nine year old boy and is certainly too much for a nine year old girl if it is their first time and are not using a tethering system described in the article. Even with that, I think I would stick with single shot or semi autos of smaller caliber for a child that young.

  2. Had to read the article to find out whether you were talking about guns or programming languages.
