
Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Times When Little Things Matter

To say that sitting in bed in a hospital is boring does not even begin to describe it.  These are the times when you find out how much others love you.  My daughter came by this morning and I was bored out of my wits and she suggested that we get me into a wheelchair and travel around the hospital  grounds. After an examination by my doctor, we received a grounds permit, and away we went.  Fresh air, sunshine, and a change of scenery made a world of difference in my attitude.  My daughter could not remembr afterwardsr when she had wheeled patients around in wheelchairs, but I think it was either at St. Alphonsus or St. Lukes.  She volunteered at one of them shortly after we moved to Boise.

My wife arrived after church, and again  took me out for a wheelchair ride.  I am still some distance from walking.  but it was still nice to get out. My wife has been one of the great joys of this horrible experience. She has been here to hold  my hand, and more practically massage my right leg and arm, trying to wake up neural connections between those limbs and my brain.


  1. Good to see you posting, Clayton. Wishing you well in your recovery.

  2. I count among my blessings the opportunity once to meet Rhonda.

  3. While your readers aren't there physically, we are all cheering for you.
