
Saturday, August 9, 2014

M Wife, Kids, and even some of the nurses say that Iam getting less slurred in my speec:


  1. Just keep it up. When Steven den Beste has his stroke, the physical therapy really did help with his recovery. Although I wonder if he started to slack off and lost some of the progress in his mobility.

  2. Clayton, a friend of mine had a fairly severe stroke at the age of 68. Two months later, she was normal, and I mean absolutely normal. She came back to our amateur theater as an actress, she drove from Philly to Washington, and so on. Normal. I think you have nothing to worry about.

  3. Yep; I worked with a lot of stroke patients when I was at the hospital. It's rather amazing how the brain can re-wire itself; you'll be fine in a few months.
