
Monday, June 9, 2014

So, Why Didn't You Call the Police?

From the June 9, 2014 Las Vegas Sun, a description by neighbors of the couple who killed three people:
The duo also told people they planned to commit a mass shooting, said Brandon Moore, a resident of the complex.
"They were handing out white-power propaganda and were talking about doing the next Columbine," Moore said.
From June 9, 2014 CNN:
While authorities have yet to identify them, a woman who says she lived near them told CNN affiliate KTNV that the married couple liked to dress up as the villainous Batman characters Joker and Harley Quinn.
The neighbor, Krista Koch, told the station the man also sometimes dressed as Slenderman, a fictional horror character that recently surfaced in the stabbing of a 12-year-old girl in Wisconsin.
Koch also told the station the couple had told her they were going to carry out an attack, but she thought they were "crazy," so she dismissed what they said.
And what sane person commits a random mass murder?

UPDATE: The more details that come out about the killer couple, the more confused they sound -- an eclectic mix of ideas, values, and assumptions.  From the June 9, 2014 New York Times:
On his Facebook page, Mr. Miller said that he attended Kennewick High School in Kennewick, Wash.,, and married Amanda in September 2012. He posted several pictures of the Bible and of Elvis Presley, as well as pictures of a gold-plated semiautomatic gun that belonged to the singer and was on display at an Elvis museum in Las Vegas. In his news feed, he shared an anti-government cartoon that pokes fun at domestic spying and drones, and wrote in the caption, “Do you think anyone recognizes the nation D.C. hath made?”...
Ms. Miller’s YouTube channel has several videos of the couple in the car with their cats, including one posted in January titled, “Entering Indy for the Last Time.” In the video, Mr. Miller says that the couple is heading to Indianapolis. “We are for the last time going through this awful city,” he says. The clip closes with Ms. Miller saying, “We’re on our way to Vegas, baby.” 
Bible -- some sort of evangelical Christian?  But Indianapolis as "this awful city" and Vegas as the promised land?  No, that doesn't seem to work.

Elvis worship and mass murder?  Anger at domestic spying and drones?  Huh?

UPDATE 2: It turns out that while the Millers went to support Clive Bundy in his confrontation with BLM, the feeling wasn't mutual:
On his Google+ account, Jerad Miller said he was shunned by the Bundy Ranch group for being a felon. He posted that he and Amanda “sold everything” they had and quit their jobs to go to the ranch.
Mr. Miller apparently had a long criminal history.  No wonder he didn't like the police.  Apparently his plans involved taking over a government building and "executing" public officials. While probably not effective, at least one civilian appears to drawn on these creeps during the gunfight:

After the shooting, the couple headed toward a nearby Wal-Mart, where Jerad Miller was confronted by Joseph Robert Wilcox, 31, of Las Vegas. Wilcox was legally carrying a concealed pistol. Wilcox was unaware that Amanda Miller, who was pushing a shopping cart, was involved in the incident and “lying in wait,” the official said.
She slipped behind Wilcox and shot him at close range.
“He had no idea the wife was walking behind him,” the police official said of the murdered man. “This guy (Wilcox) was not some idiot with a gun. To me, he was a hero. He was trying to stop an active shooter.”
It wasn’t immediately clear if Wilcox fired a shot, or if he hit Jerad Miller before he died. 


  1. Obviously still some large gaps in the narrative to be filled, I do wish to hear more of Wilcox's actions and the result.

  2. He posted a picture of the Bible on his facebook page? Clearly the Pope and the Christians who go to that church down the street who turned their parking lot into a four story homeless shelter are people to watch.
