
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Help Joseph Wilcox's Family

The hero who tried to stop the Millers rampage in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago was Joseph Wilcox.  He left a family trying to rebuild from this tragedy.  Make checks to "Wilcox Family" and mail them to:

Trauma Intervention Program
500 North Casino Center Boulevard
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Alternatively, Wells Fargo Bank and Bank of America customers can transfers funds to:
Joseph R. Wilcox Memorial Fund 
account number 8485852688


  1. I think there was a bad auto-correct.

    Joseph Wilcox is the CCW holder who was murdered by the female shooter.

    Larry Wilcox played Jon on "Chips"

  2. I think there was a bad auto-correct.

    Joseph Wilcox is the CCW holder who was shot by the [female shooter].

    Larry Wilcox played Jon on "Chips"
