
Friday, June 20, 2014

Bad Boys Still In Demand

Elliott Rodger's whining about how women preferred brutes instead of "magnificent gentlemen" like himself was a bit hard to take seriously -- but the harsh reality is that bad boys are still in high demand by young women of limited taste.  (Dorothy Parker observed that most women would rather be beautiful rather than intelligent because most men can see better than they can think.  The situation has crossed gender lines, I fear.) See the coverage of the drooling over a guy being held on felony weapons charges in Stockton:
Meeks' police mugshot generated 10,914 likes and 2,400 comments from Wednesday night to Thursday morning, many from women claiming to admire his looks.
"Hottttttt," Melissa Stiles wrote.
"Omg come to mama," Nicole Seba Lorena Elena commented.
"Holy [heck] i would arrest him too..hottest bad boy I've seen," Ellie Abbey wrote.
"He can kidnap me anyday... Hold me against my will lol," Jessica Gutierrez commented.
Some with more sense observed:
"$900,000 in bail and 6 felonies. You ladies are desperate," Amber Gomes wrote. 

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