
Monday, May 12, 2014

The Guy Executed (Badly) In Oklahoma Last Week?

I mentioned that he shot his victim, and had her buried alive.  Ann Coulter has the rest of the details of the crime -- and that's actually among the least evil things this monster did.  As Coulter points out:
This week we will review some facts about the case that The New York Times edited out of its capacious articles on Lockett. This is the information that was not fit to print. Next week, we'll discuss the death penalty, with particular reference to Clayton Lockett. 
The main category of facts you won't read about Lockett in the Times, or elsewhere in the NFM (Non-Fox Media), is what he did to his victims -- which is to say, his last four victims. It may surprise you to learn that Locket had a long felony record. 
In 1999, Lockett and two confederates broke into Bobby Bornt's house to rob him. Bornt recognized Lockett as the man he had hired a few weeks earlier to cover a tattoo. 
Lockett savagely beat Bornt for 15 minutes with a shotgun, as Bornt's 9-month old son wailed in the next room. The three men bound Bornt's hands together with duct tape and set about searching his home for something to steal. Indeed, Lockett pushed Bornt off the couch, complaining that he was bleeding too much into what he called "my couch."
And then the details become so gross that I will not quote them.  Lockett was no loss to humanity.

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