
Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Debate Must Have Been Pretty Entertaining

The May 15, 2014 Daily Mail covers the Idaho governor's Republican primary debate, and has great fun feeling superior to us.  You might get the impression that Idaho is filled crazy fools from reading this.  It was a clever strategy of Gov. Otter to insist that all the fringe candidates be invited -- it distracted attention from his only serious opposition, Russ Fulcher,

1 comment:

  1. The skewering of Idaho has only increased since you posted this. For example:

    As I write this the national NPR radio is playing the clowns talking...SIGH.

    I hate to think Otter would do this intentionally, but I too also thought having those clowns speak would mean distractions and cut the time Otter would have to speak in half so would be more likely to be to his advantage by having them there---got him off the hook from really answering the tough questions. Four guys talking in One hour means ~15 minutes apiece minus the Q time.

    The Statesman link above says IDPTV was going to not invite the clowns because they didn't meet their requirements for having "legitimate" campaigns. On the one had that seems fair, but then such rules could also prevent challengers to the monied party machine so it's a tough call.

    The campaigning from everyone is making me sick. It just seems to become more vulgar each cycle. I realize most of this is being generated by paid campaign companies that do this for a "living." I just about have enough flyers to fill a grocery bag at at this point.

    Well if Otter wins I hope this fiasco doesn't end up giving us an Obama disciple in the statehouse (I'm thinking the "D" candidate but I could see how that might also mean Otter based on what Fulcher said).

    Too bad there isn't a way to whittle the candidates down to two by the primary final debate. But then I guess we would have to endure the painful thing we saw with last cycles' republican presidential debates--I think I would just about prefer water-boarding over that!

    Well the smug and elitist left coast and east coast donkeys are sure loving this.

    I have reservations about all of the candidates, but am leaning to voting anti-incumbent to vent my frustrations. If they win since I don't vote for Obama worshipers I'll vote for them in November.
