
Sunday, May 18, 2014

Someone That Does Need Magazine Limits?

From May 6, 2014 CBS Miami:
MIAMI (CBSMiami) – On December 10, more than two dozen police officers from across Miami Dade County converged on a blue Volvo that had crashed in the backyard of a townhouse on 65th Street just off 27th Avenue.

As the car was wedged helplessly between a light pole and a tree, nearly a minute passed before officers opened up – firing approximately 50 bullets at the car and the two unarmed men inside the vehicle.

The two men inside the car survived that initial volley of gunfire, according to witnesses, who said they could see the men moving inside the Volvo. Everything went quiet for nearly two minutes before the officers opened up a second time – unleashing an unrelenting torrent of bullets that lasted almost 25 seconds. By the time it was over, the two men inside the car were dead.

CBS4 News has learned a total of 23 officers fired a total of at least 377 rounds.

Bullets were sprayed everywhere. They hit the Volvo, other cars in the lot, fence posts and neighboring businesses. They blasted holes in a townhouse where a 12-year-old dove to the ground for cover and a four month old slept in his crib.
Wow.  So much for more superior police training and discipline -- killing two unarmed men.


  1. More like, if you hear a police officer has been shot, you should lock up you and yours inside your house until they calm down.

  2. And we are also continually told by the anti-right to gun possession and right to defend oneself crowd about why only the police should possess such firepower and that their training is one of the reasons why they should have guns and we should not.

    This story demonstrates both the lie and insanity of that way of thinking!

  3. I used to work as an RSO at a public indoor range that was also used for police training when closed to the public. We often found stray hits all over the place: for example on the steel that protected the lights. Since the people who came in to shoot could be very inexperienced, we watched them pretty closely and it is unlikely those hits would have come from the public.

    I also used to practice in another public indoor range in another city that was also used for police practice. The people running that range told me it would sometimes take days to prepare for customers again because the police shot it up so bad.

    I am somewhat sympathetic to the police in these instances for several reasons, but when I hear stories like this, I'm not surprised. They seem to shoot up everything (when they shoot).
